[Elixir Tip] How to use LiveView 0.16 with components that have .heex template files

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[Elixir Tip] How to use LiveView 0.16 with components that have .heex template files

Published on Aug 27, 2021 by Seungjin Kim


This is something that I banged by head against for the last two days.

My findings:

  1. Phoenix.Component is to be used like LiveComponent without states. Maybe it’s even more basic to consider any of those.. perhaps it’s to be used as a dumb UI atomic components.
  2. So if originally the LiveComponent had handle_event callback functions, then that is a stateful live component - which means you gotta use it still, as Phoenix.Component is only to replace stateless components.
  3. For any modules that use Phoenix.Component, you either can create a function that it expects for rendering - the 1-arity function taking in assigns, and returning a H-sigil based in-line template.
  4. However, if your template is too big (and I don’t think that’s the most general use case for Phoenix.Component. The examples are for small UI elements), then you can just pass in the render/1 function that gets added on via use Phoenix.Component, much like use Phoenix.LiveComponent. This is key. Above picture shows that.

Man I banged my head against this for so long.

And then I realized that the update/2, handle_event/2 functions might not work.

Which led me to think… perhaps those functions are pertinent to the state-based live components that the documentation was referring to, which, in state-ful, you still need to use LiveComponent.

Something new! Overall really excited for Phoenix 1.6 release!! Much thanks to the team.